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MPP power tube 001

MPP power pipe uses modified polypropylene as the main raw material. It is a construction project for laying pipelines, cables and other construction projects in special areas such as roads, railways, buildings and riverbed, without a lot of dredging, earth excavation and pavement damage.

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MPP power pipe uses modified polypropylene as the main raw material. It is a construction project for laying pipelines, cables and other construction projects in special areas such as roads, railways, buildings and riverbed, without a lot of dredging, earth excavation and pavement damage. Compared with the traditional trenching and pipe burying method, the trenchless power pipe project is more suitable for the current environmental protection requirements and eliminates the disturbing factors such as dust flying and traffic congestion caused by the traditional construction. The technology can also lay pipelines in some areas where excavation can not be carried out, such as historical sites protection areas, downtown areas, crop and farmland protection areas, highways, rivers and so on.
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