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Do you know the characteristics of MPP power tube?

Source:/      Release date: 2022年02月19日
Information summary:PE water supply pipe is polyethylene pipe, and the mixing ingredients are blue or black, which shall be subject to the actual production of Lutong engineering materials.
PE water supply pipe is polyethylene pipe, and the mixing ingredients are blue or black, which shall be subject to the actual production of Lutong engineering materials.

   PE material has the characteristics of high strength, corrosion resistance and non toxicity. It is widely used in the manufacture of water supply pipes. PE water supply pipe will not rust and is an alternative pipe for ordinary iron water supply pipe.

   PE water supply pipe has the following characteristics:

  1. PE water supply pipe has corrosion resistance, good sanitary performance and long service life.

  2. PE water supply pipe has good flexibility and excellent scratch resistance.

  3. PE water supply pipe can withstand low temperature.

   4. PE water supply pipe has good rapid crack growth fracture toughness.

   PE water supply pipe material is polymerized from monomer ethylene. Due to different polymerization conditions such as pressure and temperature, resins with different densities can be obtained during polymerization. Therefore, it can be divided into high-density polyethylene, medium density polyethylene and low-density polyethylene.
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